Asbestos Export Requirements

No doubt you are all aware of the ongoing issues in relation to asbestos imports into Australia as well as exports from our country.

The strict asbestos laws that are governed by Australia also applies to exporters from our country.

Please kindly take the time to read the fact sheet by clicking here which covers your legal obligations and requirements for export shipments from Australia.

We suggest ensuring that you and your company is compliant with our asbestos obligations and that you also provide an additional statement on your export invoice to read “These goods are asbestos free”.

Please note in the fact sheet there is a list of products that may contain asbestos along with the penalties that can be enforced.

The penalties for non-compliance are extreme.

Please kindly make contact with the below should you have any questions in relation to your obligations.

Thanks & Regards,

Phil Gray
Customs Manager

All information sourced from the Australian Border Force