Protected Industrial Action + Adverse Weather Event

You may be aware that another 48-hour period of Protected Industrial Action by Vessel Traffic Services officers and Small Craft personnel has been announced to commence 5.30am Sunday 25 August 2024.

Fremantle Ports have advised that a meeting with the Marine Services bargaining group has been arranged and they are hopeful of reaching an agreement and avoiding further disruption through good faith bargaining and respectful, collaborative discussion.

All vessel movements will stop during this time.

Fremantle Ports is now under evacuation orders due to high winds.  Both vessels that are currently alongside (the PUSAN C and the MAERSK YELLOWSTONE) are under instruction to vacate the terminal.  No vessels will be able to berth during this time.    It is very possible that these vessels have not completed their import discharge, with export containers also not able to be loaded.

We have already received notice from one shipping line to advise that their vessel will bypass Fremantle, which unfortunately is a direct result of the weather and industrial action notice.

These delays that we are seeing and experiencing through Fremantle are sure to cause a knock-on effect to cargo that is currently awaiting transhipment in Singapore. Currently the majority of the lines are seeing a lesser container dwell time, but if these vessels are delayed on arrival at Fremantle, they will miss their window for berthing in Singapore. More cargo will continue to discharge in Singapore, but without the onward carrying capacity to move them to Fremantle the dwell time and volume of containers will increase.

We are keeping a close eye on the situation and will continue to keep you informed.